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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Useful Links

Huntsville Church

The Greater Huntsville Church is excited to invite you and your churches or small groups to her worship service every Sunday. The church has been here in Huntsville for quite some time; however, we are considering this service a new beginning and a fresh start as our hearts are growing even more passionate and committed to the mission of seeking and saving the lost.

Auburn/Tuskegee/Montgomery Church

Creation is for the glory of God, and His Son, Jesus Christ, came to seek and save the lost. The Auburn Tuskegee Christian Church is dedicated to helping people live as disciples of Jesus Christ. This ministry serves the cities of Auburn, Montgomery, Enterprise and Columbus, GA as well as the college campuses of Auburn, Tuskegee and Southern Union State Community College. We are dedicated to serving these communities as part of Christ’s commission to preach the Gospel in every nation and help people to be disciples in His name.

Disciples Today

We welcome you to meet the people who are the International Churches of Christ. We come from all races, ages, and economic and social levels in over 150 countries. We are simply people who have found God and are committed to serving him and his children around us. It turns out he was looking for us!

DT Heart and Soul

DT Heart & Soul is dedicated to helping single brothers and sisters in the International Churches of Christ find a Christian life mate. Since we first went live in June 2009, we have been privileged to play a role in 59 weddings, many of them international!